Friday 16 November 2012

Organizational Behavior (Perception)

The way a in which a person or an individual sees and understands the world. In other words, perception is to recognize a unique interpretation of the situation, not the exact recording of it. Recognition of the difference between the perceptual and real world and real world is vital to the understanding of organizational behavior. So, we should know that there is a difference between real and perceptual world. Every person perceives the world in his own way and understanding. And sometimes when our perception is different from the real world it creates problems and misunderstandings.
                 Many managers think and perceive that their subordinates always want promotions, when, in fact, many workers or subordinates feel uncomfortable and forced with the promotions. So, the perceptual world of managers is often quite different from that of subordinates and yet both may be quite different from the real world.

Sensation is the way human beings use their sensory organs to experience color, loudness, taste, scent and smell and heat. There are five senses, vision, hearing, touch, smell, and taste. But perception is the complicated process of interaction of selection, organization, and interpretation of stimuli. Although, perception depends upon the senses for raw data, the cognitive process may filter, modify, or completely change these data.
Examples of the difference between sensation and perception are;
  • The purchasing agent buys a part that she thinks is best, not the part the engineer says is best.
  • The same worker may be viewed by one supervisor as a very good worker and by another supervisor as a very poor worker.
  • The same cooking oil may be viewed healthy by a doctor and not good by any other individual.

Numerous stimuli constantly confront everyone. The noise of air conditioners, the sound of other people talking and moving, and outside noises from cars and vehicles, planes, and many other sounds are heard by us every minute but why and how people select a specific stimulus or a few stimuli at a given time? The answers can be found in the principles of perceptual selectivity.

Wednesday 14 November 2012

Management Business Plan (Proposal)

Business name:
                      “Kid’s point”
o     Mission statement
To create a healthy relationship “sandwiched between” food and children.
o  Vision statement
Our vision to build and maintain customer oriented culture that will encourage and nurture service excellence through cleanliness, quality, and value to meet the expectations of our customers. Moreover dedicate ourselves in providing the highest quality food and service to children as well as their family. Promoting a nutritious and healthier life style that exceeds our client’s expectations; building a friendly environment where children would love to eat.
Goals and objectives of “kid’s point”
o  Market share:
Our objective is to attain at least 10% of market share in the first year of “kids point”.
o  Sales:
Our goal is to increase our sale every year by 10%.
o  Awareness:
Our goal is to create 10-20% awareness among the customers in the initial six months.
o  Provision of quality food:
Our object is to provide good quality and hygienic in comparison to other local restaurant and we aim to bring continuous improvement through new cuisine, games etc.

Market Segmentation:

Primary: Children from the age bracket 5-12 years.
Secondary: parents or elders accompanying their children would be our secondary market as they are the ones who make the purchase decision and have the buying authority.
Industry Analysis
o  In the past five years the restaurant industry has out-performed the national GNP 40%.
o  29% of the total production and 17% of total employment in the food manufacturing sector.
o  Retail sales of processed foods are expanding by 10% per year in recent years and are currently estimated at about $2.4 billion.
Usage of fast food during the day
o  Lunch (44%)
o  Morning snacks (40%)
o  Afternoon snack (31%)
o  Dinner (19%)
o  Evening snack (14%)
o  Breakfast (12%)
Consumption pattern
o  Annual consumption of chicken, meat and beef in PAKISTAN                     320 MILLION KGS
o  Considering present potential to be 3% in volume consumption                     9.6 MILLION KGS
o  Raw would be around 60% of total category                                                5.76 MILLION KGS 

 Competitor Analysis
Major competitors:
Other restaurants                                    

Principle Of Marketing (Chp: 3) MCQs

Chapter 3   Analyzing the Marketing Environment

1) You are directed to study the actors close to the company that affect its ability to serve its customers-departments within the company, suppliers, marketing intermediaries, customer markets, competitors, and public's.  What are you studying?
A) the macro environment                  
B) the micro environment
C) the marketing environment
D) the demographic environment
E) the global environment
Answer:  B

2) Which of the following terms is used to describe the factors and forces outside marketing that affect marketing management's ability to build and maintain successful relationships with target customers?
A) the marketing environment
B) the cultural environment
C) strategic planning
D) target markets
E) the marketing mix
Answer:  A

3) You are directed to study the demographic, economic, natural, technological, political, and cultural factors that are larger societal forces affecting your company. What are you studying?
A) the macro environment
B) the micro-environment
C) the external environment
D) the marketing mix
E) the global environment
Answer:  A

4) Which of the following is NOT a type of factor in a company's macro environment?
A) demographic
B) economic
C) technological
D) competitive
E) political
Answer:  D

5) All of the groups within a company are called the ________.
A) culture
B) diversity
C) internal environment
D) climate
E) range
Answer:  C

6) Which type of market buys goods and services to produce public services or to transfer them to others who need them?
A) government
B) reseller
C) wholesale
D) consumer
E) retail
Answer:  A

7) Rachel Patino works for a wholesale company called Distributors Unlimited. She is responsible for buying and selling goods at a profit to small retailers. What is her market?
A) business
B) reseller
C) wholesale
D) consumer
E) retail
Answer:  B
Diff: 1             Page Ref: 69
Skill:  Concept
Objective:  3-1

8) Your marketing department is currently researching the size, density, location, age, and occupations of your target market. Which environment is being researched?
A) demographic
B) psycho graphic
C) economic
D) geographic
E) cultural
Answer:  A

9) The three largest generational groups in America are the baby boomers, Generation Xers, and ________.
A) seniors
B) Millennial
C) teens
D) tweens
E) toddlers
Answer:  B

10) As a group, ________ are the most affluent Americans.
A) baby boomers
B) Generation Xers
C) the Millennials
D) echo boomers
E) seniors
Answer:  A

11) "Dreams don't retire" is the theme of a(n) ________ marketing campaign aimed at baby boomers.
A) financial services
B) anti-aging products
C) travel and entertainment
D) fitness products
E) technological products
Answer:  A

12) In 1950, women made up under 40 percent of the workforce; now they make up ________ percent.
A) 35
B) 40
C) 43
D) 46
E) 59
Answer:  E

13) Which of the following is a trend that depicts the increasingly nontraditional nature of today's American family?
A) working women making up a smaller percentage of the workforce
B) the falling percentage of married couples with children
C) dual-income families declining in number
D) stay-at-home dads declining in number
E) the declining reliance on convenience foods and services
Answer:  B
Diff: 2             Page Ref: 75
AACSB:  Multicultural and Diversity
Skill:  Concept
Objective:  3-2
14) Over the past two decades, the U.S. population has shifted most heavily toward the ________ states.
A) Midwestern
B) Northern
C) Sunbelt
D) Southeastern
E) Northeastern
Answer:  C

15) Which of the following geographical areas has NOT seen a recent population increase?
A) micropolitan areas
B) suburbs
C) the West
D) the Northeast
E) the South
Answer:  D

Principle Of Marketing [Generation M(obile)]

How to Market to Generation M(obile)
There is a new generation in town – generation M(obile). They are the generation that has to be reached through channels other than the traditional channels used by marketers, advertisers & public relations practitioners. 
Generation mobile are those teenagers and young adults that use personal data assistants, cell phones and handheld devices to run their entire lives including work and personal. They do not read news print and direct mail nor do they watch television or listen to the radio as much as previous generations.
Mobile Marketing Activities
Mobile marketing includes sending content to cell phones and other mobile devices, asking recipients to register online for contests, and sending advertisements and coupons to consumer’s cell phones. Click through rates on mobile campaigns are delivering up to 10 times those of Internet banner ads.
Recent data reported by MIT Sloan Management Review (, August 2008) 90 percent of well-known U.S. brands are looking at implementing mobile marketing activities and they plan to commit 25 percent of their total marketing budget for mobile marketing. Companies such as Vodafone Group and Nokia Corporation have already entered the mobile marketing arena.
Recent Study Results for Mobile Marketing
Unfortunately, the picture is not all rosy and profitable. There are some from generation mobile that are not willing to participate. MIT Sloan Management Review released results of a study they conducted in the United States and Pakistan that some young consumers are willing to participate in mobile marketing and others are not.
MIT’s research shows the success of mobile marketing depends on several factors:
  • Usage Characteristics – whether people use their cell phones for utility as well as enjoyment.
  • Personal Attachment – whether carrying a cell phones means more to consumers than just having a communications device, mobile devices also define roles within various cultural groups.
  • Consumer Innovativeness –campaigns are more successful if people are open to new experiences.
  • Social Influence – there are those in generation mobile that carry a cell phone just for the appearance of being connected and may not be actually using the cell phone.
  • Privacy Concerns – persons may be afraid their privacy will be breached if they accept mobile marketing, such issues need to be addressed.
  • Permission-Based – marketers could offer the consumer more control over mobile marketing by asking first.
Attitudes – consumers’ attitudes toward mobile communications could have an impact on the effectiveness. Consumers with positive attitudes about mobile services will have a greater likelihood of using such services.

Get Started with Mobile Marketing
MIT suggests the following four steps to planning and implementing mobile marketing
  1. Conduct a beta or soft launch.
  2. Build trust through permission-based, opt-in approaches.
  3. Stress the innovation of the mobile platform.
  4. Provide value-based, viral mobile content.
MIT reported that worldwide, there are about three billion cell phones in use today.
Generation mobile and mobile marketing are becoming more vital to the marketing mix and as such professionals in both fields need to start developing, testing, planning and implementing.

Inter-personal Communication Skills ( Must lie Assignment)

Must lie Conditions
There are some situations in which we must lie due to an ethical reasons.

Example 1:
                  In case if your best friend ask you to tell her about her beauty, Is she beautiful or not?
In this situation The must lie condition is applying, Like you say her "yes! you are so beautiful" but in reality its not true just for her, she don't feel bad and don't feel disappointed, you lied with her.

Example 2:
                 If your neighbor come to your door and says, "a killer is chasing him and want to kill, if he comes to your door don't tell him that i live near by your house". Now after some time the killer knock your door and trying to get information about that person and you refuse by saying "you don't know him, you're new here".
The upper highlighted statement is your must lie Situation.

Example 3:
                A situation is, If a innocent person killers a murderer for saving his life because the murderer wants to kill him. The judge decided to kill the innocent person and you are the eye witness on this scene. when judge call you in witness for your statement you says "No! its not that person who murdered" now your this statement is Must lie Situation.

Example 4:
                If a son ask her mother about his beauty and mother reply, "yes! you are so nice my son" but in reality the son was so ugly. the statement or reply of the mother is the Must lie situations answer by the mother.